Moose, KITT, and I met tonight to continue our outer leg work. Moose and I started the evening out by cutting out the ¾" should hubs and the ¼" outer leg pieces. We knew the weather was suppose to get cold, but the temperature dropped very quick and it wasn't long before we could all see our breath and fingers started to get numb.

Our first attempt to get the should hubs to the 6¼" diameter size was to put a nail through the center of the should hub into the router table and rotate the shoulder flange around next to the router bit to get the circular shape. This attempt failed miserably because the router bit was moving too fast and the piece was too hard to hold. When Moose released a little bit of the pressure he was using to hold the piece in order to reposition his hands the shoulder flange flew up in the air away from the router bit towards Moose with a spinning motion. It was a good thing that Moose has quick reflexes. As soon as he felt the piece start to move, he pulled his hands back which probably stopped the flying piece from hitting him in the face or forcing his hands into the router bit.
Our second attempt, the one that eventually work, was to use the band saw and put a center pivot nail in board and move it towards the band saw blade until the desired shoulder flange radius was reached. We used the router to shave the outside edge of the shoulder flange down at one spot so the band saw could start cutting the shoulder flange out by spinning the piece of wood around the nail. This eventually worked very well once we got the hub radius set and the band saw guard functioning properly.
I routed out the ¼" outer leg pieces that make up the inner ankle.
With all the work on the shoulder flange, the conversation turned to how we were going to make the hole in the outer ½" leg piece to accept the shoulder hub. Moose had a 2½" hole saw, so we cut a hole in a scrap piece of wood to test the fit. The hole was too big, so we will have to get a 2 3/8" hole saw or devise another method for cutting out the hole.
I made a template for the arm pits (the area that holds the shoulder stabilizer) using the exact dimensions specified on the official club blueprints. Afterwards, we reviewed the leg tutorial DVD and found out that they make the arm pit 1/8" bigger all the way around to allow for room to smooth out the crevice. I will make this larger on another night when I'm not freezing to death.
We couldn't help but take picture of all the cut and routed leg pieces.
We couldn't help but stack all the outer leg pieces up on shelves and take a picture of all the work we've done.